Cozy and Soft Christmas Holiday Bedding

Holiday Bedding

The holiday season is upon us, and even in Southern California, the nights are chilly. We are in full holiday mode, which means we’ve transformed our bedroom for Christmas and Winter. Making a cozy Christmas bedroom starts with the bedding. Here are our recommendations for comfy holiday bedding.

Buffalo Plaid Bedding

We love buffalo plaid for the holidays. Everything about it says warm and cozy to us and the bed comforter set we got at Macy’s a few years back is no exception. The comforter we got, Premier Comfort Reversible Micro Velvet and Sherpa Down Alternative King Comforter, Hypoallergenic, is no longer sold at Macy’s in buffalo plaid, but they do have other patterns available. This set matches with the sheet color of your choosing. We love a simple white sheet with this comforter set but black or grey would work well also. Included with were two pillow covers for decorative pillows.

Flannel Sheets

Although we don’t use flannel sheets in Southern California (if we did, we’d be sweating through the night), I loved flannel sheets when I lived in Wisconsin. While we don’t have a recommendation for flannel sheets, we know that L.L. Bean stands by their products, and we’ve heard good things about their flannel sheets. The sheets we use are from Brooklinen.

Decorative Pillows

Is it even the holidays without decorative pillows? Our “Merry” sherpa pillow came from TJ Maxx, and we ordered some round bolster pillows from Amazon for our bedroom storage ottoman.


Our sherpa blanket is from Costco, and we use it year-round, but being Sherpa, it seems extra cozy around the holidays. Sherpa blankets are always a good choice in winter. However, another option is a cozy Barefoot Dreams blanket.